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From accidents or rogue bloggers, to product recalls or community relation challenges, crises can occur in many forms. Quick, well-thought out action, is necessary to protect your reputation and your bottom line. Delaying or fumbling your initial response can create long-term damage, and a failure to respond can be even worse.


Advanced planning is paramount in dealing with a sensitive issue, crisis or emergency. Prior planning will allow you to respond quickly, manage the court of public opinion and give confidence to stakeholders and employees.


Communicating openly and in a timely fashion with an accurate message is the first step to containing a crisis. Our team will ensure the correct messengers convey the best information to all the appropriate audiences. We can also see you through the crisis and conduct an after action review to determine what was done right and what can be improved.

After Strategy Communication is Everything

Is your business in crisis? Have you been attacked by the media? Do you want to fix the mess, but don’t know where to start? Only Morons Say "No Comment" is the best rulebook you’ll find on crisis communication. A crisis can be scary, confusing, and difficult to navigate, but after more than 15 years in the business, Brian J. Stephens has developed a straightforward list of rules for you to follow that will help you take the blinders off, make a plan, and win. By reading the whole book or even just a few sections, you’ll gain the knowledge you need to manage any complex situation.

Only Morons Say "No Comment"

Every organization is vulnerable to a crisis.

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