Building and Training a Coalition for a Statewide Opioid Awareness Campaign Challenge: Statewide advocacy of opioid addiction issues were low, and key statewide stakeholders did not have an effective and cohesive...
Truancy Campaign in a Mid-Sized School DistrictChallenge: After reopening following the first wave of COVID-19, a mid-sized school district discovered they were missing students. When...
Breaking Down MisconceptionsThe Project A developer sought approval of a “Smart Growth” urban infill development that included commercial, hotel, office, retail and...
Political Campaigns are Influencing How Students are RecruitedSchool competition is continuing to grow across the country. Schools have started utilizing political campaign tactics to recruit...
Getting the Message Right to Garner Support for LegislationThe project We were asked to test various messaging concepts and determine what, if anything, would cause voters to approve a proposed...
Why You Should Plan for Disruption in the Upcoming School YearBy Brian Stephens, Caissa Public Strategy All sectors of society have been in constant disruption for months due to the coronavirus...